Special Blend Cigar
Bundles are flavorful mild to medium bodied quality cigars that are an incredible value. Made in the same factory as Davidoff SB “Special Blends” are made from a beautiful Connecticut Shade wrapper enclosing smooth Dominican tobaccos. This excellent blending brings you a consistently smooth smoke. Blended by the legendary Henke Kelner, Special Blends by Alec Bradley is one of the best affordable cigars in our inventory.
These smooth and creamy cigars are made with a very unique blend—underneath an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf is a USA Connecticut binder, followed by filler leaves from the Dominican Republic and Peru. Expect a toasty, sweet, mild-to-medium-bodied smoke with all the trimmings of a super premium at around half the price.
This is a mild to medium bodied cigar that has been well aged, having been in storage for extensive periods. If the fear of overpaying for cigars creeps in and paralyzes your desire to make a purchase, bark at the moon like a Blowout Hound during our Halloween Spooktacular Sales Event!